Seeking Potential.
Expanding boundaries.
Delivering results.

Edge Capital is an innovative alternative investment
manager focused on digital assets, blockchain
and decentralized finance (DeFi) markets.

About US

Edge Capital applies a proprietary, fundamentally-driven approach to identifying investment opportunities that can deliver outsized returns, while providing strong diversification benefits to traditional investment portfolios.

Our fund offerings include liquid Market-Neutral Fund and closed-ended Digital Opportunities Fund.

Our edge


Our diverse team of experts combines global macro insights, private equity strategies, and deep crypto knowledge to deliver exceptional results for investors.


We boast a team of experts with a wealth of experience in DeFi trading, digital asset research, and navigating various blockchain technologies.


Leveraging cutting-edge HFT algorithms and advanced on-chain technologies, we are able to identify and execute on unique investment opportunities.


protocols Edge



on-chain transactions

for the past 3 years


in volume

Edge DeFi Fund

Generating yield through alpha generating market-neutral

strategies uncorrelated to the market.


Our team has 30+ years of combined TradFi and DeFi experience. We have adapted well-known macro hedge fund strategies to DeFi to generate sustainable returns with high Sharpe ratio.


The fund is open-ended, has monthly liquidity and generous gating policy.


Our strategy is a mix of market-making in DeFi protocols with market-neutral macro trades in digital assets hedged for directional risk.


The fund accepts investments in USD, stablecoins and major tokens as in-kind contributions. Accepted tokens: ETH, BTC, MATIC, AVAX, AAVE, CRV, ATOM, ARB, SNX, DOT, OP, LINK, NEAR, FTM, SAND, IMX, UNI, INJ, CRV, etc.

Opportunities Fund

The Fund invests in early stage VC companies in the digital space

Pre-Seed, Seed, and Series A Rounds

Strong crypto-native partnership

Early deal access


Our core team is comprised of fifteen people full-time and four part-time


Vadim Khramov

Founder and CIO

15+ years of professional experience across alternative investments, frontier markets, fundamental macro research, computational methods, tech, asset management, andpolicy-making.

Vadim’s core expertise is in DeFi protocols, wallet cybersecurity, DeFi protocols security, blockchain insurance, blockchain interoperability, regulations and DeFi legal structuring.

Vadim holds a PhD in Economics from UCLA.

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The materials on this website contain certain "forward-looking statements" that are based on assumptions and judgments with respect to, among other things, future economic or political reforms, competitive and market conditions, future business decisions, expectations with regard to distressed defaults, representative investments, anticipated portfolio concentration, investment opportunities, ability to create value, nature of investments, fund characteristics, strategy implementation, investment criteria, and/or strategy objectives, all of which are difficult or impossible to predict accurately and many of which are beyond Edge Capital Management LLC's control.

Because of the significant uncertainties inherent in these assumptions and judgments, you should not place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements, nor should you regard the inclusion of these statements as our representation that the Fund could achieve any strategy, objectives, or other plans.

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